International Journal of Medical Science and Dental Research

Current Issue Volume 7 Issue 4 (July 2024)

    • STANDARDIZATION Of PATCHOULI OIL (Pogostemon Cablin Benth.)
      Abstract:Patchouli oil is one type of vegetable oil derived from patchouli plants, which is currently widely cultivated in Indonesia. Patchouli has essential oils, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, glycosides, terpenoids, steroids. The purpose of this study was to standardize the specific and non-specific parameter values of patchouli oil, as well as the analysis of Patchouli Alcohol levels with GC-MS instruments. The results of the study obtained the specific parameter values as follows; organoleptic test obtained oil in liquid form, brownish yellow in color, distinctive odor and tasteless; positive for phenolic and terpenoid; and non-specific parameter values as follows: specific gravity 0.968 g/mL; total plate count < 1.0 × 100 colonies/ml; mold and yeast count < 1.0 × 100 colonies/ml; lead metal (Pb) contamination 0.244 mg/L. PA analysis value 31.80%

      Keywords: inguinal hernia in children

    • Oral pre-malignant cells inhibition through expression of superoxide dismutase and caspase-3 by potential antioxidants of banana stem (Musaceae)
      Abstract: Premalignant lesions are potential malignant lesions in the oral cavity. The exact etiology of premalignant lesions is not yet known. The antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) plays a protective role against reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative damage. Caspase-3 is involved in nuclear apoptosis and is considered an effector caspase. Decreased expression of caspase-3 can lead to the transformation of pre-cancerous lesions into malignant ones. Banana stem (Musaceae) contains various active compounds which contribute to apoptosis mechanisms and enhance the ability to combat free radicals that cause pre-cancerous lesions. Objective: To determine the antioxidant potential of banana stem by examining the expression of SOD and caspase-3 in pre-cancerous lesions in Wistar rats. Material and methods: This research uses narrative review focuses on full-text articles from scientific databases like PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar from year 2013–2023. Discussion: The compounds found in banana, such as lectin, palmitic acid, and quercetin, have different mechanisms in increasing the expression of Caspase-3. Activated caspases perform their tasks by inducing apoptosis in damaged cells, allowing the proliferation of healthy cells in pre-cancerous lesion conditions. The constituents of banana, such as flavonoids, quercetin, and saponin, can enhance SOD expression, thereby suppressing the formation of free radicals by converting superoxide radicals (O2*) into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Conclusion: Banana stem (Musaceae) has antioxidant potential due to the presence of active compounds such as flavonoids (quercetin), lectin, palmitic acid, and saponin, which can enhance the expression of SOD and caspase.

      Keywords: Antioxidants, Banana stems, Caspase-3, Oral premalignant, Superoxide dismutase

    • Experience of the Continuity of Care Platform Managing Epicrises of A Vascular Service
      Abstract: The Continuity of Care Platform is an active Electronic Clinical Record for the sending of Medical Discharge Reports from the secondary level to the primary level, ensuring coordination and effective care. Materials and Methods: This study describes the number of discharge reports managed by a Vascular Service in a Chilean Metropolitan Health Service for post-amputation patients and their active management towards Primary Health Care (PHC) through the Continuity of Care Platform (PCA) from March 1, 2020, to August 31, 2021. Results: All discharge reports for patients from the Vascular Service of the Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital (HBLT) were included, and the average effective care by the Primary Level of the Metropolitan South Service was calculated. From March 1, 2020, to August 31, 2021, the average completed follow-up (effective care) was 73%, with 50 effective home visits (16.95%), 2 deaths (0.68%), and 9 rehospitalized patients (3%). Conclusion: The data demonstrate active coordination with primary level establishments, showing an average of 73% effective follow-up, highlighting the platform's functionality. Future research may investigate the efficacy of the PCA in reducing morbidity and mortality. The percentage of completed follow-up before PCA implementation was 40%.

      Keywords: Electronic Health Records, Primary Health Care, Public Health Informatics, Vascular Surgical Procedures, Continuity of Patient Care.

    • Schizophrenia and Time Perception: A Systematic Review
      Introduction: Schizophrenia, a neuropsychological condition characterized by a spectrum of positive and negative symptoms, presents a unique challenge in understanding its underlying mechanisms. Among the myriad symptoms, disturbances in time perception have garnered attention for their potential insights into the disorder's pathophysiology. This comprehensive review delves into the intricate association between schizophrenia and time perception, synthesizing evidence from diverse research domains.
      Methodology: Methodologically, a rigorous literature review encompassing cohort studies, randomized controlled trials, and other relevant investigations conducted between 2000 and 2023 formed the basis of this analysis.
      Results: The results reveal consistent findings of impaired time perception among schizophrenia patients, manifested in altered abilities to estimate time intervals and discriminate temporal stimuli. Neurobiological correlates, including disruptions in neurotransmitter pathways and structural changes in key brain regions, shed light on the underlying mechanisms of temporal dysfunction in schizophrenia. Moreover, cognitive impairments, such as deficits in attention and working memory, are implicated in exacerbating time perception deficits in this population. The implications of these findings extend to diagnostic approaches and therapeutic interventions, emphasizing the importance of considering time perception abnormalities in the clinical management of schizophrenia. Furthermore, the discussion highlights the need for further research to elucidate the causal relationship between schizophrenia and time perception and to explore targeted interventions aimed at mitigating temporal dysfunction in affected individuals.
      Conclusion: This review underscores the multifaceted nature of schizophrenia and underscores the potential of time perception as a promising avenue for advancing our understanding and treatment of this complex disorder.

      Keywords: Schizophrenia, Time Perception, Neuropsychological Impairments, Cognitive Processes

    • Evaluation of the Sleep Pattern in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
      Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sleep Pattern in patients undergoing hemodialysis
      Methodology: A research with a true experimental design, a randomized clinical trial, was developed and carried out beginning with The research was carried out in two hemodialysis units in the city of Al-Nasiriyah, namely the Al-Hussien teaching hospital and the Al-Nasiriyah teaching hospital, between the dates of February 20, 2024 and May 6, 2024. Following the calculation of the sample from the population, fifty patients were split into two groups: the study group, which consisted of twenty-five individuals, and the control group, which also consisted of twenty-five individuals. Relaxation Technique was used in the study group; both of these techniques had validity and reliability.
      Results: The data results indicated that all 25 patients had poor sleep pattern in the pre-test. However, the post-test results for the application of the relaxation technique were statistically significant.
      Conclusions: The study found a statistically significant difference in hemodialysis study group patients before and after application of relaxation technique. The research revealed that the use of Benson's relaxation technique resulted in a significant improvement in sleep pattern in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
      Recommendations: In order to extend the results of the experiment to hemodialysis units in hospitals, the research suggests that the relaxation method be used in a trial setting to all patients who are undergoing hemodialysis.

      Keywords: Relaxation, Sleep Pattern, Hemodialysis Unit.

    • Caregiver’s Knowledge about Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Patient with Spinal Cord Injury

      Objective(s): The present study aimed to assess caregivers’ knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention in patient with spinal cord injury.
      Methodology: This purpose, a pre-experimental study was designed to include a pre- and post-test without control group. A purposive (non-probabilistic) sampling of 25 caregivers was included used to conduct the research from May 21st, 2023 to January 31st, 2024. Ethical approval and informed consent of participants wasobtained before data collection using a questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire measured the participants’ demographic variables and the second part measured their knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention. The data were analyzed in SPSS 26.0.
      Result: The findings revealed that the majority of the study respondents were at age (28 – 37 year) and 64% of caregivers were male, most of them married and living together with the patient. The present findings showed that caregivers had a low level of knowledge according pressure ulcer prevention in patient with spinal cord injury.
      Conclusions: This study concluded that caregivers had a low level of knowledge. Therefore, the study recommends that caregivers develop and increase their knowledge of pressure ulcer prevention by media and brochure to improve upon their practice.

      Keywords: Caregivers, knowledge, Pressure Ulcer, Spinal Cord Injury.

    • Effect of Cold Application on Pain Relief During Intravenous cannulation for Cancer Patients

      Background: The intravenous cannulation it’s a painful process can cause tension and anxiety, it is rarely followed by analgesia.
      Objective: study aimed to determine the effect of cold on the level of pain during intravenous cannulation.
      Methodology: From January 4, 2024, until February3, 2024, a randomized controlled experiment was conducted in the oncology unit of AL-Al-Haboubi Teaching Hospital in Dhi-Qar. To accomplish the goal of the study, 102 patients were split into two groups after the sample was chosen from among them: 50 patients were placed in the control group and 52 patients in the experimental group. Cold gel was applied to the experimental group, and self-report data collecting was employed. Pain was measured using a 10-cm visual analogue scale.
      Results: The post-test results for the experimental group revealed a low mean pain score (28.76+20.491), whereas the data analysis results for the control group indicated severe pain during cannulation insertion and a high mean score (M+SD 76.54+20.427). After applying cold therapy, there was a high significant difference in the mean pain score among the control and experimental groups during cannulation insertion (p=.001).
      Conclusions: The study concluded that the coldmaneuver had a positive effect in reducing pain for intravenous cannulation.
      Recommendations: The study recommended applying cold to patients during intravenous cannulation.

      Keywords: cold, Pain, Intravenous Cannulation.

    • Effect of Cooling Face on Recovery From Edema for Patients after Rhinoplasty

      Objective: To determine the effect of the application of cold therapy oneyes edema for patients after rhinoplasty .
      Methodology: A Randomized Clinical trial was conducted in the surgical wards of AL-Kindi Teaching Hospital and AL-Wasiti Teaching Hospital in Al-Russafa Health Directorate starting from January 4th. Until February 25th, 2024.After a sample was calculated from the community, 53 patients were separated into two groups: the study group consisting of 26 patients, and the control group consisting of 27 patients. In order to accomplish the study's goals within the intervention group, a cold mask was employed to assess validity and reliability. Additionally, a dice cube was utilized by the researcher to examine randomness. The chosen strategy for data collecting was reported by the researcher.
      Results: the results of data showed that the edema for right and left eyes in time one p= (0.941,0.763) And p-value the edema during time one, two and three (post two) in right eyes (0.941 ,0.001 and 0.001) as in left eyes p= (0.763,0.006 and 0.001) in time one. two and three. .
      Conclusions: the researchers conclude that cold therapy have a positive relationship in reducing edema.
      Recommendations: The researchers recommended that the cold therapy experience be applied to all patients after rhinoplasty.

      Keywords: edema, rhinoplasty, cold therapy.

    • Reactive Lymph Node Enlargement in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Understanding Mechanisms and Clinical Implications
      Though widespread, reactive lymph node enlargement is often an overlooked manifestation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. The condition can complicate the clinical management of RA and is indicative of underlying disease activity or secondary complications. Reactive lymph node enlargement is a complex phenomenon in RA, with unclear mechanisms and significant clinical implications. The objective of this study is to explore the pathophysiology, diagnostic difficulties, and clinical relevance of reactive lymph node enlargement in RA patients, with a particular emphasis on identifying possible biomarkers and therapeutic interventions to effectively manage this manifestation. To attain this objective, the study employed a multi-faceted approach, including a comprehensive review of extant literature, clinical data analysis from RA patients presenting with lymph node enlargement, and laboratory investigations aimed at identifying biomarkers. Imaging studies and histopathological examinations were also utilized to enhance diagnostic accuracy. The findings indicate that a systemic autoimmune process precedes synovial inflammation; however, the triggers and pathways involved remain elusive.